Declutter Your Phone In 3 Easy Steps + My Minimal Phone Screen — Simply G

Gitana Deneff
4 min readSep 4, 2019

I don’t just like minimalism for the aesthetic of it. It also just feels amazing as a lifestyle. It’s not always about having less things, or a clean room, but about how clear and light you feel when you’ve stripped every factor of your life down to the bare essentials.

Today I’m going to talk about how I organize my phone and the three steps you can take to declutter your phone apps. This will not only clear your mind, but your phone will start functioning better for you so you don’t have to continue being a slave to it.

1. Trim the excess

As with any type of Kon Mari-esque activity, look at each one of your phone apps and think about the last time you’ve used it. Think about if they really bring you joy (cliche but necessary). When in doubt, throw it out. Besides, if you delete an app you end up needing later, you can just download the app again- no need to worry.

It’s going to feel really good tapping all those little x’s and removing that crap out of your digital space, much like when you declutter your bedroom and the feeling you get every time you toss something into that donation box.

2. Categorize

